Tuesday, March 2, 2010

MRV LambdaDriver optical transport system meets service provider energy efficiency spec

CHATSWORTH, USA: MRV Communications Inc. announced that its LambdaDriver wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical transport system surpassed the Telecommunications Equipment Energy Efficiency Ratings (TEEER) standard for energy efficient optical networking. MRV is a leading networking company with a full line of packet-optical transport (P-OTS), carrier Ethernet, 40G networking and out-of-band networking products.

Lowering the power consumption of networking systems is a critical factor for service providers and large enterprises. MRV’s LambdaDriver optical transport system has been carefully designed in order to minimize power consumption. Key power efficiency features that improved LambdaDriver’s TEEER score include multiplexers and muxponders that aggregate data to reduce the number of outbound optical links and automatic signal de-activation on disconnected links.

The TEEER standard, developed by Verizon, provides a score for products that measures the direct relationship between the system’s throughput capacity and its power consumption, weighted for different operation modes. Verizon's calculated TEEER value represents the system energy efficiency rating on a scale from one (least efficient) to 10 (most efficient).

A measured TEEER for optical or video transport equipment should be better than 7.54. In certain configurations, MRV’s LambdaDriver platform achieved a score of 9.02, showing the modular WDM system to be a highly energy efficient solution for carriers. The LambdaDriver is the second MRV product to achieve high ratings under the TEEER rating system, following the Fiber Driver® optical multi-service platform.

“For today'’s service providers, energy consumption is a top concern for both environmental and economical reasons, and the TEEER rating system provides a simple metric for these customers to identify the most power-efficient solutions for their networks,” said Noam Lotan, CEO of MRV Communications. “With the LambdaDriver, customers have access to a solution that is not only environmentally friendly, but can also cost effectively keep up with the energy demands of their growing networks.”

“In an industry saturated with green claims, it can be difficult for service providers to determine which vendors actually deliver the most energy efficient solutions,” said Sterling Perrin, senior analyst for Heavy Reading. “By participating in the TEEER rating system vendors can easily prove the energy efficiency of their solutions.”

MRV’s LambdaDriver is its premiere optical transport system for building high-performance enterprise access, metropolitan carrier and long haul transport networks. The LambdaDriver is a multi-functional, compact, modular WDM system that supports both dense wavelength division multiplexing and coarse wavelength division multiplexing technology.

LambdaDriver also serves as a packet optical transport system by integrating Carrier Ethernet connection-oriented services and reconfigurable OADM for automated optical mesh topologies with wavelength-level switching. The LambdaDriver series can support data rates from 8 Mbps up to 40 Gbps with seamless future upgrades to 100 Gbps.

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